Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dum, Dum, Da-Dum...

Oh look, lucky you. Two posts in one day even after I told you there was no telling when the next one would be. Call me ambitious. Not really, I just figured while blogging and I were still in our honeymoon phase, I'd go ahead tell you some more about our life.

Speaking of  honeymoons, Tyson and I are a mere 33 days from embarking on ours. That's right, we have a countdown to the honeymoon, not the wedding. We're excited to get married and all, but this wedding planning stuff is for the birds. Flower arrangements and song selections and shoes and jewelry and menu choices.... it's way too much to think about. I see now why wedding planners charge such an ungodly fee for their services.

Anyhow, the BIG DAY is only 25 days away, and needless to say, it's freak out time for me (and my poor mom). It's not even that we have a whole lot left to do, it's the finalization of things, like the playlist for the DJ, the table set up at the reception hall, the final count for the caterer...things like that need to be perfected to make sure the day goes off without a hitch. (Sidenote, speaking of getting a final count for the caterer, why don't people RSVP anymore? It's not difficult, there is a pre-addressed stamped envelope included in your invitation. What do people have against checking a box and dropping an envelope in the mail?)

But all stressing and complaining aside, things really are coming along rather smoothly. Tyson and I were lucky enough to attend my cousin's wedding in Chicago over the 4th of July holiday weekend, and we (read: I) used their wedding to guage our progress and how much we have left to do. Thankfully, it seems like we have all of our bases covered, and even more importantly, their beautiful ceremony made me even more excited to exchange my own vows with my hubby to be in just a few short weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Yay blog! Good luck keeping it up!

    I think the whole thing with RSVPs is that so few people use mail anymore. If I hadn't done it the day I got it, I probably would've forgotten all about it. I know it's tacky, but I almost feel like it's at a point that an online RSVP system has to be offered as an option these days.
