Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Ok, it seems like everyone is doing it, so we're finally jumping on the blogging bandwagon. There's no telling if this is actually going to last, so if you're still reading this welcome post in September or even in 2015, don't say we didn't warn you.

There are a few disclaimers that need to be made at this time:

First and foremost, we have no idea what we're doing. Short of being able to type a literate sentence, we have no knowledge of the blogging world, be it the lingo, the formatting/design, HTML codes, or even the first inkling of acceptable topics to blog about.

Second, those of you who know me should already be aware, and those of you who are not so familiar with me yet will come to learn, I have a tendency toward sarcasm and a dry sense of humor. Since I will be the one writing the majority of these entries (in fact, if I had to wager a guess, I'd probably be willing to stake my last dollar on the bet that Tyson will never even so much as log in to this blog), please allow me to take this opportunity to say that nothing I will write in these posts will be intended to hurt or offend anyone, so if I do so inadvertently, I apologize in advance.

And finally, our lives are not interesting. Not in the least. Don't get me wrong, we both love our lives. But neither of us are astronauts, or movie stars, or world travelers, or even someone who knows someone who is one of those things. This blog will be for the sole purpose of relaying the events of our not-so-action-packed lives to our family and friends in an attempt to stay connected and as a way of documenting mine and Tyson's memories and experiences for our own future reference.

A little background. The name of the blog, Last Name Patrick, may seem a strange choice to some, but you would probably be surprised how many people are confused by the idea that 'Patrick' can actually be a last name. Tyson has spent his whole life correcting teachers and the like that his name is, in fact, Tyson Patrick, and not Patrick Tyson. Even I, though still four weeks shy of sharing the name, have already had to gently correct some people who refer to my fiance as Patrick, or ask me if I will enjoy my new last name of Tyson. I don't understand why this is such a hard concept for people. We accept crazy first names like Apple (inanimate object) and Pilot Inspektor (seriously, Jason Lee?), but we can't grasp a normal name like Patrick as a surname. Honestly people, there are stranger things in life, weird celebrity baby names notwithstanding.

Enough of my rambling, you've had your welcome post. No telling when the next entry will be, but stay tuned for my account of some totally awesome and utterly inspiring eventlessness! Ciao.

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